T.U.5.C.C. Sentry Four Horsemen, Cosmic Legions


6 in stock

SKU: HDBC61426552 Category:


Subject Information
Name – Common Use: T.U.5.C.C. Sentry
Name – Full: T.U.5.C.C. Sentry
Race: Varied
Affiliation: T.U.5.C.C.
Planet of Origin: Varied
Toy Details
Released In: Hvalkatar: Book One
Accessories: Sniper rifle, heavy blaster, 2 wrist blasters
Additional Heads: Yes, helmeted head and unhelmeted head
Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:
The enormous gates of Hvalkatar inspire a sense of foreboding and dread in those who have the misfortune to gaze upon its rusted face. Perched atop its various walls, and hiding within its armored shadows, are the soldiers known as T.U.5.C.C. Sentries.
Armed with long range rifles and possessing the lethal close-quarters combat skills necessary to stop any soul unlucky enough to make it through the gunfire, these sentries are not to be crossed.


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