Swigg Four Horsemen, Mythic Legions


2 in stock

SKU: HDBC61432748 Category:


Character Details
Faction: Legion of Arethyr
Race: Goblin
Role: Alchemist
Toy Details
Released In: All Stars 5+
Accessories: Magic staff, dagger with sheath, bone-handled sword
Additional Heads: No
Goblins are the smallest and least powerful of the Impure, a fact which has long bothered King NoÕGlin. Wishing to increase the importance of the goblin army to the machinations of Gorgo Aetherblade, the goblin king has tasked his chief alchemist with creating magical elixirs to give to his goblin soldiers. Hidden in his lab in the depths of Gobhollow, Swigg brews potions that grant those who drink them abilities such as unmatched strength, impenetrable skin, the ability to fly or to turn invisible Ð that is, of course, if the potions work as intended! Not all of SwiggÕs concoctions perform as planned, and taking a drink of one of his potions is always a risk.


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