Zende Amaanthyr Four Horsemen, Mythic Legions


3 in stock

SKU: HDBC61432675 Category:


Character Details
Faction: Convocation of Bassylia
Race: Human
Role: Spellcaster
Toy Details
Released In: Poxxus
Accessories: Magic staff, magical effects, 2 sets of hands
Additional Heads: Yes – 2 heads total, one which is normal and one which is “powered up” using magic
Hailing from mysterious lands beyond the shores of Mythoss, Zende Amaanthyr was sent by his guild to assist Herra Serpenspire and The Convocation of Bassylia in their efforts to quell the rising power of Poxxus. Bringing with him an extensive array of archaic incantations, Zende has dedicated himself to the Magi of Bassylia as a teacher of spellcasting and a soldier to their cause. As someone who has suffered great personal loss at the hands of PoxxusÕ zealots, Zende is all too aware of the stakes of this deadly fight.


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