Aius Cyppiteon Four Horsemen, Cosmic Legions


3 in stock

SKU: HDBC61426562 Category:


Subject Information
Name – Common Use: Aius
Name – Full: Aius Cyppiteon
Race: Grayborn
Affiliation: GraveRing / The M.A.Z.E.
Planet of Origin: Nevoz 51
Toy Details
Released In: Hvalkatar: Book Two, Gravenight
Accessories: Shield, Metor Hammer staff, Hvalkatar key card necklack
Additional Heads: No
Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:
Celebrated across the system for their telepathic skills, the Grayborn are well suited for sensitive roles in the higher echelons of CosmerriumÕs intellectual circles. A common misconception is that the Grayborn are named for the appearance of their skin, when in actuality, this name is due to their mindsÕ ability to access a transcendental state referred to as ÒThe MidwayÓ or ÒThe Gray.Ó These abilities and access have granted the Grayborn a unique opportunity to create an information network spanning the rings that is known as The M.A.Z.E. (The Meshed Assemblage of Zonal Enlightenment)


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