Zeerian Spyre Four Horsemen, Cosmic Legions


3 in stock

SKU: HDBC61432843 Category:


Subject Information
Name – Common Use: Zeeri
Name – Full: Zeerian Spyre
Race: Zuvan / Zuvanoid
Affiliation: GraveRing / The Mortal Thorn
Planet of Origin: Theerius
Toy Details
Released In: Hvalkatar: Book One
Accessories: Sniper rifle with strap, 2 blaster pistols, Cosmerrium hologram attachment
Additional Heads: Yes, 2 heads total plus a removable mask
Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:
Once a famous bioengineer on her homeworld of Theerius, Zeeri rejected the unwanted celebrity status that was thrust upon her. Known for her breakthrough discovery of the regenerative formula eventually known as Thryxium, she disappeared from sight when her discovery was forcefully taken away and used for motives that were less-than-benevolent.
ZeeriÕs disillusionment over the loss or her discovery led her to seek solace among the ranks of the controversial and illusive organization known as The Mortal Thorn. Although her association with The Thorn eventually led to her incarceration, it was that very experience which prepared her for survival within the lethal halls of Hvalkatar.


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